Gilbert Car Accident Attorney


Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents are, unfortunately, one of the leading causes of injury and death across Gilbert, Arizona. Regardless of how severely victims are injured, car accidents can lead to multiple legal and financial challenges. Auto accidents can also lead to injuries that go unnoticed until later, and insurance companies will likely pressure you when you’re vulnerable. For these reasons, it is essential you speak with a knowledgeable Gilbert car accident attorney as soon as possible.

Our injury lawyers at Luis P. Guerra, L.L.C., have helped countless clients in a passionate and honest manner, working diligently to provide compensation for those suffering after a car accident. Motor accidents can permanently alter your future, and even if you do sustain aggravating injuries, you can potentially earn compensation. If you or a loved one experienced a car accident in Gilbert, we encourage you to reach out to us.

Gilbert Car Accident Attorney

Understanding Car Accidents

When you begin operating a motor vehicle in Gilbert, Arizona, you expect other drivers to be focused on the road and care for other drivers. Unfortunately, some drivers don’t recognize the seriousness of what they’re doing and cause harm to others. They may begin texting behind the wheel, become distracted, and then crash into another vehicle or pedestrian. When someone behaves negligently and causes injury to another party, we consider this a personal injury.

Personal injury cases are often challenging to work through, especially if you don’t gather the appropriate evidence to defend yourself. However, if you contact a qualified personal injury or car accident attorney to represent you, you may be able to prove your innocence and hold the negligent party liable for their actions.

What Are the Most Common Types of Car Accidents?

Car accidents can manifest themselves in several different ways. Certain accidents, like those involving pedestrians, motorcycles, or trucks, often result in more severe injuries. We’ve helped clients who experienced car accidents in the following ways, among others:

  • Collision with a pedestrian. When a motor vehicle collides with a pedestrian, whether they are walking, sitting, jogging, or standing still, the pedestrian can file a claim against the driver and earn compensation for their damages.
  • Colliding with another auto vehicle. Arguably the most common form of motor vehicle accidents, these incidents involve two drivers getting into a collision. It is imperative you take photos of the accident and get the other party’s information if you experience this type of accident.
  • Crashing into property. People sometimes become distracted or lose control of their vehicles and crash into property such as mailboxes, buildings, fences, or trees. Depending on who owns the property, drivers could be faced with hefty legal and financial penalties for colliding with unmoving objects.
  • Colliding into parked vehicles. When you hear the term “accident,” you may automatically believe that more than one party has to be involved. However, if a driver collides with a parked car, this still qualifies as an accident.

Car accidents don’t have to always involve two drivers crashing into each other. If a driver causes damage to property or people as a result of negligent driving, they can be held accountable for the damages. Should your situation be classified as a car accident caused by another party’s negligence, you may be able to earn compensation to cover the damages you have sustained.

How Can I Earn Compensation for a Car Accident in Gilbert?

It is crucial for all drivers to remember that compensation is never guaranteed after getting into an accident. Similarly, if you cause an accident, you are not guaranteed to always have lessened penalties after defending yourself.

To potentially seek compensation after getting into an auto accident caused by another party, you should speak with a personal injury lawyer immediately. You may believe that your accident was minor and think there’s no use in calling anyone. However, there are several legal details you can easily miss that may help streamline your case.

Also, if you sustain any type of injury, no matter how severe, having an auto accident attorney by your side can ensure you receive some amount of financial aid to improve your situation.

When a driver causes an accident due to a lack of respect or care for others and their safety, you shouldn’t have to be the one who pays for the damages. It’s fair to hold the negligent party responsible for what happened, but you need to provide enough evidence that proves they were at fault. Also, the negligent driver may hire their own legal team to defend themselves, which can further complicate your issue.

Determining Fault in a Car Accident

No matter what type of motor accident you’re dealing with, you must be able to prove to the court that someone else was at fault for what happened so you can potentially earn compensation. Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies you can employ as soon as a car accident occurs, all of which can help you prove someone else is responsible for the accident.

When you go through a car accident, be sure you complete the following steps.

  1. Remain calm and call the police. Be sure the police file an accident report.
  2. Speak with any witnesses at the scene and get their contact information.
  3. Get the other party’s information, such as their car information, phone number, name, driver’s license number, and more.
  4. Take photos of the accident, including any visible damages, injuries, and anything you feel is relevant for proving your case later.
  5. Check on other individuals involved at the scene and ensure they are safe.

You may feel some of these steps aren’t as important as others, but each is crucial for helping you prove someone else caused the accident.

For example, these steps allow you to gather evidence to give to your auto accident lawyer. Witness testimonies and photos can be essential pieces of information your attorney can use as evidence that you weren’t at fault. If a photo shows that your vehicle was hit by the other party in a T-bone manner, it may be enough proof that the driver associated with that other vehicle is liable for the damages.

Finally, with the exception of hit and runs, you should always ensure you have the other party’s information. Having the other party’s information allows you to contact their insurance company regarding the situation, and you’ll also have an easier time identifying the driver responsible for the collision. While photos are sometimes not enough to prove your case, you can use them alongside providing driver information.

How Does Insurance Work After a Car Accident?

After you’ve completed the initial steps to take when experiencing a car accident in Gilbert, you’ll want to contact the other driver’s insurance company. Historically, insurance companies are known for being concerned with making money for their own company versus paying out to those affected by auto accidents.

Insurance companies are known for hiring their own team of lawyers to defend them and ensure they don’t pay more than they should. No matter how severe your accident is, you should never have to pay for your own damages resulting from an accident. For this reason, we highly encourage reaching out to a trustworthy and motivated team to represent you and ensure you recover from your injuries.

Should I Hire an Attorney for Minor Car Accidents?

Minor incidents such as fender-benders or sideswipes may have you questioning if hiring a car accident attorney is necessary for your case. While there may be cases where hiring an attorney isn’t necessary, we advise you to hire one for most situations.

An experienced attorney can provide several benefits, the most notable being the ability to find small details that can be vital in your case. You may overlook something that could’ve helped you in your case, whereas an attorney knows what to look for, how to present the relevant information, and what advice to give to clients.

Unfortunately, not every car accident scenario is handled the same way, and these rarely get solved easily with little debate. Insurance claims almost never accept a full claim, and they may offer settlements that are less than what the victim should earn. Of course, if your injuries truly are minor, insurance companies may make a full payment. However, this isn’t always the case, meaning you should speak with an attorney to increase your chances of this occurring.

What Can You Be Compensated for?

If your case goes smoothly and you are eligible for compensation, you can use this to pay off certain expenses and recover from your injury. You can be compensated for the following damages after a car accident:

  • Medical bills and other expenses from hospitals and appointments
  • Lost wages from work
  • Vehicle repair costs
  • Medication costs
  • Pain and suffering

While you may suffer mental or emotional pain due to the accident, you don’t have to suffer from it with no way to heal. Not only can compensation cover your financial needs during this difficult time, but it can help you recover both physically and emotionally. For instance, if you need to attend therapy as a way to heal from the accident, you may be able to earn compensation for this. Your attorney can also use medical records to prove that you need therapy or counseling.

Why You Should Hire a Car Accident Attorney

You should always consider hiring an attorney to defend you after suffering from a car accident. Insurance companies and their legal teams are known for intimidation tactics, and they are prepared to navigate their way through any case. You likely have other tasks or events going on in your life that prevent you from fully taking the time to create a defense and fight back against the other party’s claims. It’s imperative you seek legal help for these reasons.

Insurance adjusters will likely contact you as soon as they hear of your accident, but you should never respond unless you’ve spoken to an attorney first. They intend to use anything you say against you, even if they say things that don’t sound malicious or unusual. Instead, meet with your attorney first, and only say what they’ve allowed you to say.

There are three types of cases where we highly advise you to seek legal help following an accident.

  1. You suffered from a permanent or severe injury. As you may expect, if you sustained a significant injury that completely alters your life, you should contact an attorney regarding your situation. They can fight for compensation that covers your new medical treatments, such as surgeries and medications.
  2. You lost a loved one due to the accident. You can file a wrongful death claim, a type of personal injury, if your loved one died as a result of the injuries sustained in the accident. While this is an overwhelming situation, and we can’t bring loved ones back, we can at least help you cover funeral expenses and other finances associated with the accident.
  3. The government’s negligence caused the accident. This isn’t as common as the other types of situations listed above, but if the state or federal government is the source of the accident, the legal proceedings immediately become more complicated. You likely won’t have the resources to defend yourself in this instance, but we can help.

In nearly every auto accident scenario, we believe contacting a qualified attorney is the most optimal strategy to secure compensation and hold the responsible parties accountable.

Things an Attorney May Do for You

There are certain actions you may not be able to do by yourself, whether it’s due to not knowing how or not having the ability to do them. Meanwhile, a passionate and driven personal injury attorney can represent you in the following ways:

  • Collecting compensation you’ve won. We hope your case is successful, but if it is, you won’t be paid out immediately. We’re prepared to make sure the at-fault parties pay their required amount to you. Doing this on your own can be tough, as the other party may continue using intimidation tactics to avoid paying.
  • Filing lawsuits. While it is technically possible to go through your legal proceedings without legal help, you could easily make mistakes or forget details that are essential in proving your side. Unless you are a personal injury attorney yourself, allow a professional to create a sturdy defense that could potentially help you seek compensation.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies. As previously mentioned, if you are contacted by an insurance company and say anything, they can use this information to build their own case. A trustworthy legal team can negotiate with insurance companies for you, as they know what to say and how to respond to their tactics.

These are just a few actions your attorney can take to help you come out of this situation in an optimal way.

How to Choose the Most Effective Car Accident Attorney in Gilbert

Several attorneys would be willing to take on your case, though some may not be as efficient as others. Some attorneys may only be interested in being paid by clients, not helping them understand their legal rights. To find the most reliable attorney for your case, there are a few tips to consider.

First, be sure to ask any questions that come up. These can be as broad as “What can you do to help me with my case?” If your attorney struggles to outline their strategy or what they’ve done before, you likely won’t continue speaking to them about representing you. On the other hand, an attorney who knows exactly what they want to do with your case may be a more suitable option.

Second, check the potential attorney’s reviews and certifications. Attorneys who have been commended for their work almost always display them proudly. Also, there’s no harm in checking reviews online to determine if other individuals have found the attorney reliable. Of course, newer law firms and attorneys may not have a lot of experience, and some of them may still be fine. However, as a safer option, go with someone who has the experience you need.

Finally, there’s nothing wrong with asking your attorney how much they charge for their efforts. You’re likely experiencing financial troubles due to your injuries or damages caused by the accident. Because you need to budget carefully moving forward, be sure to ask about payment. Attorneys who are clear and willing to work with you regarding your budget are the ones we recommend.

Speak With a Knowledgeable Gilbert, AZ, Car Accident Attorney

At Luis P. Guerra, L.L.C., we know how complex car accident cases can be to work through. Insurance companies tend to be harsh, and you may still be disoriented and shaken up from your accident. We believe victims should never have to pay for their own injuries or damages, especially when another party is the reason for the accident.

Our team is ready to defend and support you through this challenging experience. No matter how severe your accident was or what injuries you’ve sustained, we’re here for you. Contact our team today so we can schedule a consultation with you.

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Read What Clients Say About Us

Total rating 5★ Quality of Representation Excellent!!! These attorneys understand all that is required to achieve favorable results. Talking with Mr. Shapiro and Mr. Guerra is easy and comfortable. I highly recommend this law firm.

I was badly injured in an accident at work. I hired a well-known attorney to represent me, but it wasn’t till Luis Guerra and his firm joined my case that things actually began to take off. Luis Guerra took my case personally and fought hard for me like I was family. I truly believe that if it wasn’t for him I would not have received the settlement that I did! He is an aggressive and HONEST attorney who will fight for what is right. His entire firm is filled with love and compassion for the victims. In the unfortunate event that you or a loved one is injured, I would HIGHLY recommend Luis Guerra.
Somer T.

Not only did Mr. Guerra and Mr. Shapiro meet their reputation but by far exceeded my expectations. They are diligent advocates for their clients, professional and extremely responsive to all inquiries. Most importantly, they had the expertise and genuine personal concern for my well-being that inspired confidence and ultimately resulted in an outstanding result. Mr. Guerra and Mr. Shapiro are attorneys that are truly interested in the welfare of their clients. I highly recommend having their team on your side for any case.

by Elizabeth H.

Mr. Luis Guerra is one of the most caring and compassionate people I have ever met. Thank God there are still people like him in the world. He carefully explained the entire process to me so I was aware at all times what was going to happen next.

The quality of representation we received was of the highest anyone could expect. It was a privilege to work with Luis and his staff. I am extremely grateful that I chose you to be our attorney. I am relieved that this matter has been concluded. Thank You for representing us. God Bless You.

Cindy B./Phillip H.

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1212 E. Osborn Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85014

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